In a national competition, Chandra was selected by THE OPRAH MAGAZINE as The Life Coach to deliver a series of coaching sessions to the Grand prize winner of their prestigious Toyota Moving Forward contest. She also spent five years on NBC/TV DAYTIME giving a weekly program called "Reality Check." She has written 2 books, produced several CD sets, been interviewed on radio and newspapers as well as having an international clientele and private practice in Tampa where she resides. Chandra Alexander has been living and teaching authenticity for the last 30 years.
After winning The Oprah Magazine contest all I can say is "Life is what happens when least expected." This is how I can best relate to having met Chandra. With Chandra's help and wisdom, I was able to finally let go of a bad situation that had resulted in the loss of my identity, and ultimately, re-claim my place in the world. I am finally on the road to a life changing journey and now making decisions that tell a different story. There is no substitute for the gift of learning that life is full of second chances. Chandra was there every step of the way.
-Avy Kenny 12/2007 Grand Prize Winner of Toyota Moving Forward Contest